Life doesn’t always go as planned, and sometimes you may find yourself in a situation that you aren’t sure how to handle. Don’t fret, because as these people show, there are several hacks you can use to master difficult, unexpected, and seemingly impossible situations – simply using simple items that you can find lying around your home. These hacks will also help to boost your creativity, so next time you see a drill, blow dryer, or chopsticks lying around your home, you may be able to use them to solve other issues that aren’t even on this list!

Emergency Colander
It can be hard to know when you start cooking a recipe what dishes and utensils you might need. So many recipes require so many different dishes, how can you possibly have all of them just lying around the house? If you’re cooking and find you need a colander, follow this example to use a drill to transform a bowl you no longer need into a useful cooking colander.

This will not only save you the hassle of running out to purchase a colander, but it will also save you money as well! You can also use this hack with different size bowls, and different size drill bits, around your home to make colanders to suit every recipe. Of course, you’ll have to give up a bowl for that, but we all have one too many bowls. Bon Appetite!
No Microwave? No Problem!
Sometimes when you are on vacation, you may find yourself staying in a location that doesn’t have a microwave. Even the finest hotels don’t always have microwaves in every room. This is all fine and dandy until you want to reheat something like leftover pizza! Don’t panic just yet as there is one thing that almost every hotel room is guaranteed to have—a hairdryer!

When you’re ready to reheat your awesome leftover pizza, simply plug in the hotel hairdryer and turn it to the hot setting. Aim it at your pizza and move it back and forth until the pizza gets warmer than room temperature. It’s unclear how well this method of reheating works, but you could also try it for other leftovers like fried rice! Let us know how it goes.
How to Hide Candy
When you’re starting a new diet, you’ll probably want to go through your kitchen and toss anything sweet or salty that might tempt you. But you also might want to keep a few sweet treats on hand for those days you really need it. So the question is, where can you hide these items where you won’t find them?

Okay, while this isn’t the best hiding spot in the book, it definitely does the trick (the trick or treat!). The candy is up high and placed next to office materials that are likely not used very often. The labeling could definitely use some help here, but on the bright side, at least you will know where the candy is when you’re in desperate need of just a little sugar.
Bike Upgrade
Bicycle parts are expensive. Especially if you need something large, like perhaps handlebars, a seat, or a whole new wheel! This next hack can help you get around the no-wheel problem, as long as you have an old razor scooter you don’t mind taking apart lying around your home.

Doesn’t this scooter-bike hybrid look awesome? And it isn’t very hard to construct! As for rideability, well, you’ll have to build it yourself and see how it goes. It could also be interesting finding a place to park your hybrid contraption, but if you made this beauty, then you definitely have the creativity to come up with a unique parking solution!
Chopstick Hack
When eating out at an Asian restaurant, it can be embarrassing if you aren’t sure how to eat with chopsticks. But don’t worry too much as this is a skill that can take many years to master. There’s no need to feel bad if you need to ask for a fork to eat your fried rice.

But when they bring over the fork, try out this awesome hack that is sure to impress any waiters! It will also help you to learn how to use chopsticks in the process, thus helping you accomplish two skills at once. Be aware that this hack does have a learning curve as well though, and you may find yourself with rice on your lap.
Clean-Eating Doritos
Everybody knows you can’t enjoy Doritos in any situation that requires clean hands. Because no matter how clean you are, that orange Dorito dust is guaranteed to get everywhere! That is why this next hack is so incredibly useful, especially when it comes to eating your favorite messy or powdery snack.

This is pure brilliance. Grab a clothespin and use it to grip the chip and set it in your mouth without it ever having to touch your hands! This makes it easy to chomp down on Doritos at any time, whether you are surfing YouTube, in a zoom meeting, or working on an art project.
Easy Assemble Furniture
Ever been to IKEA? It’s a massive furniture warehouse full of all sorts of nifty and inexpensive pieces that you may need for your home. The catch? Well, you have to assemble everything you buy. Or do you? The following hack makes it easy to enjoy IKEA furniture without pulling out the power tools.

Basically, you can just set your stuff on the IKEA box! This idea also works for chairs and couches too, as you can just have your friends sit on the boxes rather than assembling anything. Now you may be a little embarrassed when a date comes over to find your apartment filled with cardboard boxes, but at least you didn’t waste any time and effort assembling anything, right?
Only One Battery
It is so annoying when you need to use a power tool, flashlight, or anything else that requires two batteries to find that you only have one battery rolling around in your drawer! But did you know that for some tools, one battery could be enough? We didn’t either. Check out the picture below.

As useful as this hack is for getting something done, there could be some safety issues associated, so it isn’t recommended that this be your go-to way to use batteries. You also may find that the battery drains much quicker than normal. But at least you’ll be able to avoid a one-time emergency!
Missing Mirror
Even if you drive perfectly almost all the time, there is still a chance that someone could hit your parked car and take off the side mirror. This type of accident can be annoying, and quite the hassle to fix, unless you’ve got this hack tucked in your back pocket. Otherwise, it means taking the car to the shop.

This hack doesn’t look the nicest, but it will definitely get the job done until you have the opportunity to take your car into the garage. If you ask us, this couldn’t be a permanent solution, but we can see this working for a day or two. And who knows, you may just like this larger mirror a little better than the one that came with your car in the first place!
Coffee Mug Edit
When it comes to birthday or holiday gifts, most people have gotten at least one coffee mug with a funny saying on it. This is all good and fun until the saying on the coffee mug no longer applies to your life. That’s when you need a hack like this to change the wording on the coffee mug.

That’s right, just take a sharpie, cross out the words that no longer apply to your situation, and fill in the correct information! Of course this is cuter when your kid does it for you, but we see no reason that an adult can use this hack to change the meaning of specific coffee cups in the cupboard.
My Package Has Arrived
When you order something you’ve been waiting for from Amazon, it can be disheartening to think that your package could be stolen if you aren’t home to receive it. But there are lots of hacks a delivery driver can use to make sure you are the one receiving your package, even when there’s no one home.

This driver went the extra mile by balancing the package between the eave and the light. This isn’t the only package solution, however, and if you get creative, you’ll surely find other places on the porch or around a house to hide a special package out of the sight of potential thieves. At least they tried.
Solar Power for the Win
Do you often find your cellphone running out of charge at the most inopportune times? This could lead to you becoming lost on your way home and being unable to call someone to come pick you up. Thus, you should try using this solar power hack to power your phone while you’re out and about.

Now, it isn’t quite clear if this guy designed this himself or was able to buy it somewhere, but it really is the perfect solution to always having your phone charged. Except that it won’t work at night, or while you are inside, but other than that we see no downsides with this cellphone charging hack.
Extra Long Straw
Maybe you’ve made yourself a drink and set it on the coffee table, only to realize that now you have to reach for it again every time you want to take a sip. This can be really annoying, especially during those times when you’ve found a comfortable spot on the couch and you simply want to relax.

This hack solves all those problems quickly and easily as you just need to tape five straws together to make one massive straw you can use to sip your drink. It isn’t clear where you store this hack when you are through, and if you want to make a new one – it’s not very environmental. We bet environmentalism is the least of this guy’s concerns.
Super Beach Shade
Going on an outing to the beach can be a really fun time, until you come back home sunburned to a crisp! And while umbrellas can help with the sun problem, there just isn’t any way to get the circular-shaped shade to cover your whole body for the perfect beach nap.

This clever guy has come up with the perfect solution. All you need is a towel and some string to create a sunshade the next time you and your friends head to the beach. Not only will you love not getting sunburned, but people will look on in envy and want to know how you made your awesome shade!