Like most people on the planet, there’s a good chance that you love dogs. Who wouldn’t love them? These furry animals are so cute and pure-hearted that you can’t help but fall in love with them. One thing that most dog owners know from years of keeping dogs is that they are extremely loyal animals that would put their lives on the line to safeguard their owners. With a dog at home, you’ll have someone to shower with unconditional love, and they always return the favor by showing their endless love and care for you. Without further ado, if you’re feeling down in the dumps and need a pick-me-up, we’ve got a prescription for you: we’ve collected some of the cutest dog memes from around the web, that are sure to put a smile on your face.

The Oldest Line in the Book
Some of the oldest pick-up lines in the book include, “Your hand looks heavy—can I hold it for you?”, “Do you know what my shirt is made of? Boyfriend material” and of course, our favorite one – “do you come here often?” Those old-school pick-up lines will never get old.

Apparently, dogs use them as well. This dog must’ve heard this human use this line, and he figured he’d try and use it on his favorite thing in the world – his food. I guess it would be a good line to use at the dog park, since dogs do visit the dog park on a regular basis.
Do You Have a Minute?
Nobody likes to be disturbed in their own home by an unexpected knock on the door. Imagine this – you’re sitting at home, minding your own business peacefully, when suddenly you’re disturbed by a knock on the door. It’s even worse when it’s a salesman trying to sell you some product or idea you have no interest in, and you’re forced to turn them down politely.

Well, if this cute face showed up at our door, we couldn’t say no to him! For you, we have more than a minute! We have all the time in the world! We’d love to sit down for a chat and talk about religion or the newest vacuum cleaner in the market. Sending this fur puppy from door to door is a great sales tactic.
Someone’s Going Shopping
We love shopping. There, we said it. We’re only human, and we all have our flaws. For some of us, it’s that we spend more than we can afford. We all buy things we don’t really need from time to time. There’s just something about making a new purchase – whether it’s a handbag, a pair of jeans, or new sunglasses, that makes us feel contented.

This dog gets it. You can tell this dog likes to live the good life. A good dog’s life. It looks like he has more class and style than we do. Or is it a she? Either way, this meme gets us. This meme is just the kind of energy we need today to make us feel better about our latest purchase.
No Reason at All
Dogs bark. That’s the one thing about them we don’t like and we can’t change. That’s just a part of who they are. As simple as that. We can’t control when they bark and why they bark, they just do. Of course, we’d prefer it if they didn’t bark at night, but that’s just out of our control.

They might bark because they hear something outside, or see something outside, they might bark because they’re having a bad dream, and they might bark in the middle of the night for no reason at all. They don’t always bark in the middle of the night, but when they do, often it’s for no reason.
You’ve Been Warned
Dogs can be our best friends, but if we get on their bad side, they can also be our worst enemies. They can’t make our lives a living nightmare by peeing on the rugs, chewing our sofas, barking endlessly, and eating our favorite slippers, all because we didn’t take them out for a walk.

Of course, they won’t do that – they’re good boys, but we don’t want to get on their bad side. If you’re a dog owner, consider this meme a warning. If you don’t take your dogs out on walks, they might unleash their vengeful side. Yes, they’re cute and all, but don’t be fooled by that cuteness!
All we want in life is to find that special someone, the one who fills our stomach with butterflies, the one who makes us feel overwhelmed with how much we love and adore them. That one person who’d make us look like this dog whenever we think about them. This is an expression of true love and admiration.

We believe there’s a special someone out there for everyone, and if you still haven’t found yours, they’re out there. Don’t give up. Don’t discourage. In the meantime, that special someone can be a close friend, a sibling or even a furry friend – everyone has their own special someone. This is a judgment-free zone.
We All Know That Look
When you get home and your dog gives you this “puppy eyes” look, you know they’ve done something bad. You just haven’t found it yet. Chances are, they either ate something they weren’t allowed to eat, peed on the carpet, or broke something valuable (while trying to reach the counter and eat something forbidden).

When your dog gives you this look, and their body language looks like that, it means there’s an unpleasant surprise waiting for you somewhere around the house. However, we can’t stay mad at them – not only because of the cute, apologetic look – but because we just love them too much.
Who Is It?
A dog doesn’t need to hear the doorbell to know someone’s coming – they hear the footsteps approaching down the hall, or they smell the guests from the driveway. And when that happens, their ears perk up, and they immediately become curious. Who is it? Who’s coming? What’s happening?

“Is it someone I like?” “Is it food?” “Am I going on a walk?” Are some of the questions flooding their minds when there’s someone at the door. Dogs are curious creatures by nature, so obviously, when there’s someone at their door (yes, it’s their door) they would be curious to know what’s happening!
It’ll Be Our Little Secret
Everyone who brings a pet to the house, whether it’s a dog, a cat or a lizard, says they wouldn’t be allowed on the couch. However, it’s a rule most of us don’t really keep up with. When they give us those puppy eyes, all rules (or most of them) are out the window. It’s just hard saying no to such a cute face.

The problem is, they know they’re cute. They know we can’t say no to them for too long, and that eventually, we’ll cave. So, this dog skips all the middle part, the beating-around-the-bush part, and cuts straight to the point. He’s not allowed on the furniture, right, we all know that that means.
There’s No Need to Raise Your Voice
This photo actually raises more questions than answers. Why is this dog behind the counter? Who left him in charge of this store and why? Who thought it was a good idea to leave a dog running a cash register? And what is this customer complaining about? These are only some of the questions that come to mind.

That being said, this dog looks so calm and rational, he could deal with any outraged customer. He had the potential to be a great store owner, if only he knew how to talk, count, and use his paws to operate the cash register… If only. However, as it is, we hardly think leaving a dog behind the counter is a good idea.
Fooled You
Some dogs are pretty smart, but most dogs are a lot smarter than we give them credit for. They’re not only smart, but they’re clever. They have what some people call street smarts. They know how to fool us in order to get what they want. If you don’t believe us, take a look at the next photo.

This dog wanted to be carried around everywhere, and with all honesty, we can’t say that’s something we’ve never dreamed of. We don’t know if he’s a lazy boy or if he was simply in the mood to be pampered and spoiled, but he wanted to be carried around, so he faked struggling to breathe. It took this person a couple of trips to the vet and $200 to learn that his dog was faking it, and there was nothing wrong with him (physically, that is, not morally).
Days Like These
Ruff days. We all have them. Those days where it feels like nothing is going our way, and we just want to crawl into bed and wait for the storm to pass. It’s like that Shirelles song, “Mama said there’d be days like this, there’d be days like this, my mama said…” And she was right, because our mothers always know best.

Even dogs have days like these, and they literally have no worries in life. Their biggest worry is catching their tail. So cheer up, friend, we all have rough days, but those rough days always pass! Hopefully, this list of dog memes helps to put a smile on your face, even for a moment.
The Dog Made Me Do It

Give this man more credit, will you? Of course, he knows his door is upside down. He knows the arch of the window is supposed to be at the top of the door. But he installed it this was so that his dogs have a little window at the bottom of the door – so that they can look outside and see who’s approaching their territory.
Looking outside the window is a dog’s favorite hobby, after eating and going for walks. This person cares about their dogs so much, he was willing to install their front door upside down only so they can have a little window and enjoy themselves. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what love is.
I Don’t Ge It
“When someone has explained something to you seven times and you still don’t get it and you hope they forgive how stupid you are” is inscribed on this meme, above a picture of a cute dog with a silly expression. It’s almost as if this dog is speaking with his eyes, saying “I’m stupid but you still love me, right?”

We’re sure you’re not stupid, buddy! And even if you are, we love you all the same. We’re willing to explain something seven times until you understand. Besides, we know this meme doesn’t really say anything about the dog – he just happens to have the right expression.
None for Me, Please
Most of us don’t really like to exercise, but we do it because we know it’s good for us. You know what’s also good for us? Enjoying life and living in the moment, and that often means getting extra fries. Extra fries are pretty much the opposite of ‘exercise’ but it does sound very much alike! So much so, it can get confusing.

Of course, dogs usually don’t have a problem with a little bit of exercise, but this meme does encapsulate what most of us feel at any given moment. We’ll take extra fries over exercise any day. Joking aside, it’s all about balance, and as long as we exercise at least once or twice a week, we can have those extra fries