Our pets are our best friends. We laugh at them, we cry with them, and most importantly, we laugh at them. We can’t help it, they’re just too funny. We can’t communicate with animals, so most of the things they do seem strange to us. With every animal having their own distinct behaviors, it is inevitable that we find them doing things that range from the strange and to the super adorable. Why are they barking or rolling on the floor? Why are they making this face? We’ll never be able to ask them these questions, so all we can do is take a photo and take our best guess. That’s what these people did, and they shared these moments on social media.

The IT Factor
On the back of a recent successful modeling gig, Doug knows he’s about to become a star; the IT dog. He just has the IT factor. His portrait looks clean and sharp, and he knows that he is about to become hot in demand. You can see it from the proud smirk he’s got on his face.

I mean, look at that photo. I’m sure you’d be proud of yourself if you had one as sharp as that. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and this modeling gig was the first step for Doug. The picture would look good somewhere in the living room as a reminder of Doug’s humble beginnings.
Vacation Time
Not many dogs love to swim or care about water too much, but this dog is not one of them. On a hot summer’s day, this dog decided to think outside the box, or should I say, the yard, and get himself to the swimming pool Eldorado. No better way to cool off. We wouldn’t mind trading places with this dog for the day.

It must have been quite a surprise for the neighbor coming home to see a dog in their pool. But I can’t imagine they would be too mad; I mean, look how cute he looks in the pool. This picture could be just the push this dog’s owner needs to consider getting a pool in his backyard.
If It Fits…
Everyone gets excited when they’ve got themselves a new ride. The feeling of being the proud owner of a new set of wheels is amazing. This lion may just feel the same way. There is just one problem; this ‘ride’ doesn’t have an engine and can’t move. It’s just a wheelbarrow. To top that off, he doesn’t exactly fit inside it. It’s not a very elegant sight.

If only he had a friend to come help him give his new ride a little push. Alternatively, this king of the zoo could just enjoy this wheelbarrow as an iron throne of sorts. It looks pretty comfy, despite everything, and has a sort of majestic mechanical look to it. You have to admit, he does look adorable in it.
Fairy God Chicken
Bonds are a fundamental part of the human experience. We form bonds with family and friends. These bonds are the basis of relationships that we enjoy throughout our lifetime. It is the same with animals. Sometimes these bonds are formed between two different animals. It’s rare, which is what makes it even more beautiful.

Nugget, the chicken, has come all the way down to celebrate with her alpaca friend who’s just given birth. That’s an incredibly thoughtful thing to do, something we’ve all done at one point in our lives. The animal world sometimes surprises us with how similar it is to the human world.
Pigeon Ballerina
Most people don’t know that, but pigeons are an incredible species of bird. They were one of the first birds to be domesticated. They were represented in art as far back as 4500 BCE. One of their many outstanding traits is their intelligence. They can differentiate between different photographs and even identify different humans within the same picture!

The pigeon in this picture might just be intelligent enough to learn how to dance ballet. After landing on a steam crate and having its feathers blown up, it certainly looks like it’s got its tutu on and is striking a pose. This pigeon might turn out to be the first pigeon ballerina in human history.
X-ray Vision?
One of the reasons dogs make such great pets is their protective instincts. Dogs are naturally territorial, and they will do their best to make sure their environment and loved ones are safe. One of their territorial habits involves looking outside the window. They keep their eyes on the street, and they always have to know what’s going on.

That seems to be what is happening in this picture. However, it looks like one of these dogs has got it all wrong. He’s looking through the curtain rather than outside the window. Is this a game of ‘do as I do’? Or does he have x-ray vision? Those owners could have a super dog on their hands.
Hi There, Neighbor
Finding a good spot that’s got the right amount of sun, with a place to rest your back and kick your feet up isn’t easy to come by. When you do get a spot like that, you don’t give it up. You keep coming back again and again. Well, until winter, or unit you find a better spot. This raccoon’s got the right idea.

He’s found a great place to chill, and he’s loving every minute of it. It just so happens to be the gutters of this peron’s roof. You can tell he’s a laid-back guy because he doesn’t mind getting his picture taken at all. He even seems to be smiling to the camera. Charging him rent might not be a bad idea as long as you’ve got a Racc-pal account.
Are You Sure this is Going to Work?
What do you do when your dog loves to play in the water, but he can’t swim to save his life? You improvise. That’s what this dog’s owners did. They seem pretty confident that they can take him to the pool and watch him flap his legs underwater and stay afloat.

From the look of this dog’s face, he’s not sure at all that this is going to work. He seems pretty doubtful. If he could talk, he’d probably ask, “you sure this is gonna work?”Have some faith, pal. We wonder why they didn’t just go with a dog pool float, and we can’t help but wonder how this scenario played out.
Caught on Camera
These days the apps on our phones can do almost anything. From identifying songs playing around us to identifying any object just by focusing our camera on it. These apps enhance the features that already come with our phones. One of such features is the ability to see who tried to unlock your phone in your absence.

In the case of this person, it’s their pet guinea pig. It must have been quite a surprise to discover who tried to unlock the phone. We wonder what the guinea pig was trying to access. Perhaps a video game? Or he wanted to send a message to a friend out of town? You never know.
An Attitude Problem
Everyone reacts differently, and we’ve all had that experience where we’ve really upset someone. Some people get visibly angry and lash out when they’re upset. Sometimes they use choice words to express their anger. Others are more passive-aggressive and will resort to giving us a bad attitude. This rebellious gecko has clearly chosen the latter option.

We can only imagine what the owner has done to make this gecko act up. Maybe they brought food the gecko doesn’t like, or it’s a new relationship, and they just need time to get to know each other. Who knows? That sign might not mean what it looks like it means, and maybe we’re just reading too much into it.
The Creation of Dog
The creation of dog must’ve looked something like this. And it looks pretty magnificent. A connection is something we share with only the most important people in our lives. As time passes, we can develop those connections, as is the case with old friends, or we can establish those connections with people we’ve known for a relatively short while. There are cases where those connections are not even with humans.

This dude and his dog obviously have a great relationship and a deep connection. This picture has beautifully captured a moment that signifies just how strong this connection is. It just so happens that this image appears very similar to the Sistine Chapel painting by legendary painter Michelangelo. You have to appreciate fine art.
A Furry Fish
Ever been to the store to get something and ended up with something completely different? It happens to the best of us. Something catches our attention when it is not supposed to, and it takes superhuman discipline to resist the temptation. Sometimes we’re successful; other times, like in the picture below, we fail.

That is what happened here. This person took a trip to the store with one goal in mind – to get a fish. Their eyes stumbled on this cute little ball of fur, and the rest is history. As humans, we have an uncanny ability to rationalize our decisions. What better way to do that than to name a bunny Fish?
Look, Steve, I Brought Friends
We all love free stuff. At the top of the list of free things we love is free food. Very little gives us more joy than turning the corner and seeing free food being shared with everyone. Whether it is a carnival or a food fair, it doesn’t matter as long as it’s delicious.

Once we’ve secured our food, the next natural thing to do is pick up the phone and call a couple of friends. Looks like ducks have the same habit. One duck got free food yesterday and today’s he’s shown up with his friends, family, in-laws, and Bob from down the pond. The word got around through the grapevine.
Get this Shot, Quick!
Lizards are incredible creatures. Not everyone wants to own one, and we get it; they are not as cute as dogs or cats. But they are fascinating in their own peculiar way. Those who own a pet lizard can agree with us that you can catch your pet in some pretty strange positions once in a while.

We don’t know whether this dragon is just chilling or whether he’s actually posing for a shot. Whatever his reasons are for being in such a position, we must admit that he looks good. There just might be a bright future as a lizard model for this guy. He’s a natural.
Super Organized
Nothing gets more annoying than coming home after a long day of work and seeing your house littered with toys all over the floor. That’s a typical day for a parent. You just wish you could somehow get your kids to file their toys away neatly when they are done playing with them.

Rizzo here seems to have no problem organizing her toys neatly into those blocks. She is clearly a super-smart dog. We wonder where she picked up that little habit from. Her owner must be really grateful for her intelligence and her ability. It means they have one less person to clean up after.
Safety is Everything
Mankind has continued to develop its architecture and construction skills for centuries. Creations like the Golden Gate Bridge and the Empire State Building are proof of the level of ingenuity that mankind is capable of. In our continuous desire for more land to build, we’ve encroached on many animal territories.

Thankfully, our engineers understand that certain provisions have to be made to accommodate our wildlife neighbors and ensure that they don’t get hurt. This bridge is one of them, and in this picture, you can see a family of moose making use of it. It is a beautiful example of the intersection between man’s construction and wildlife.
Caught in the Pursuit of Knowledge
Libraries are great places to be. They are treasure troves of knowledge preserved in books by wiser men and women. These days the internet has made knowledge more accessible with the click of a button, but for those who like things a bit more traditional and old-fashioned, the library is the place to be.

Looks like this bunny is one of those traditional knowledge seekers. It seems to have a particular interest in a book related to sociology – it even got a stool to reach his choice. This bunny definitely cannot read, but hopefully, this cute picture can inspire people to take a trip to their local library one of these days.
Bird Hat
Inter-species friendships are one of the most beautiful things about mother nature. They are rare, but they do occur. We’ve seen several examples of these kinds of friendships: A chicken befriending an alpaca, a dog befriending a cat (unlikely as that may sound), and in this case, a dog befriending a little birdie.

This baby bird has found a temporary home on the head of this cute dog. This little birdie was probably attracted by the color of this dog’s head and found his head so soft, he decided to stay a little while. This dog doesn’t seem to mind, though. Don’t you just adore those kind eyes of dogs? You can tell he’s a good boy!
Mother for One, Mother for All
It takes a lot of sacrifice and love to be a foster parent, and it is only suitable for those couples with huge hearts. Adopting babies who have no homes and giving them a warm, loving family is the best, most generous thing you can do for someone else. Foster parenting, however, is not unique to humans alone.

This mother hen has hatched three goose babies. Somehow this mother hen doesn’t see anything wrong with her babies being bigger than her. She loves them all the same, and it looks like they love her too. It goes to show that the protective and nurturing instinct of motherhood is universal and found in animals as well.
Congratulatory Visit
It is a great thing of joy when a friend gives birth to a baby. Bringing new life to the world and making the family bigger is always something to celebrate. It is not uncommon for friends and well-wishers to pay a visit to the new mother and her baby. And apparently, chickens have the same habit.

Seems like maternity visits are also a thing on this farm. A goat had just given birth, and these chickens have come to see their friend and the kids (pun intended). It’s always heartwarming to see this display of friendship across different species. We wonder if these chicks brought gifts.
Never a Bad Time for a Photo
In this age of social media, it seems like everyone is always taking photos these days, everywhere they go; from selfies with selfie sticks to group photos with friends. You’d be hard-pressed to find a young person who doesn’t enjoy taking pictures. These baby weasels are no different. They seem to love having their photo taken.

The lucky person taking this photo seems to have stumbled upon some cute baby weasels crossing the road. They were kind enough to stop and strike a pose long enough for this beautiful shot to be taken. It looks great and would be a great addition to a lounge somewhere, if you ask us. We wonder if their parents would like a copy.
Never a Bad Time, Never a Wrong Place
Some dogs respond to training better than others. There are special breeds of dogs that are more suitable for training than others. Amos seems to be one of those kinds of dogs that internalize training exceptionally well. His level of obedience is impressive. His owner certainly appears to be impressed.

When he’s told to sit, he sits, even if it just happens to be on the face of his friend. No matter when or where, when he’s told to sit, he sits. You can see the determined steel look in his eyes. Amos is one focused dog. Meanwhile, his friend has a “please just get him off me, will you?” look.
Pleased to See You
Nothing warms the heart like a big smile at the right moment. A smile from the right person casts a glimmer of hope that perhaps all is not as gloomy as it seems. One smile can go a long way. A smile even makes you look more approachable than someone with a big ol’ scowl on their face.

Nothing says “I’m happy to see you” more than a straight-from-the-heart smile. This innocent baby giraffe has precisely that kind of smile. We don’t know if this is the default look of all baby giraffes, but we don’t care. This adorable smile is enough for us today. Boy, we really needed this pick-me-up smile today.
He’s a Keeper
Romance is at the soul of every great relationship. Everyone loves a romantic gesture, especially when it is from a partner that we genuinely love. It’s hard to keep the romance kindled in a long relationship, but surprises are always a good idea. Some partners are very good at coming up with these romantic gestures.

This loving husband has taken creativity to the next level. He’s found a way to get these birds to pass one of the simplest yet strongest messages he can send to his wife. Romance isn’t always about money, gifts, or expensive dinners. It is the little thoughts like this that count the most.
Laziness on Record
Cats are some of the laziest creatures on the planet. I’d even argue that they are the laziest. Perhaps second only to pandas. Cat owners can testify about the extent of the laziness of these creatures. They prefer warmth and comfort above everything else, except maybe food. If they could, they’d sleep all day.

To complement their desire for comfort, cats have a knack for finding comfortable, cozy spots to lie on. This cat seems to have found a strange place to lie on; a shelf of records at a record store. Clearly, he doesn’t care whether it looks awkward or not. Public opinion is the least of this cat’s worries. It does seem pretty cozy.
The Boys Squad
Being a dog walker is a fun job. It is also a surprisingly lucrative job. It can get a little tedious with the constant caring and picking up after the dogs, but the job has its perks. One of those perks is getting to hang out with different dogs with different personalities all day, and just enjoying their company.

Another perk is being able to take cute photos like this one. Getting these dogs to stay still for pictures like this is not as easy as it looks. This dog walker must be extremely good at handling dogs. But at the end of the day, getting photos like this makes it all worth it.
Can’t Get Any Work Done
Cats are cute, loving creatures that are fun to have around. It is not unusual to see people who fill up their homes with up to 3 or 4 of them. They don’t require too much caring – unlike dogs, you don’t have to walk them – they’re pretty much just housemates that are hanging out being cute all day.

However, when the love gets too much, it can interfere with your daily life, especially when you need to get some work done. This woman understands perfectly well what we’re talking about. All five of her cats have decided that snuggle time is better than work time. She’s going to have to postpone.
Cuteness Overload
Chicks are very vulnerable when they are young. They are so fragile and yet so cute. In their first two weeks, they don’t know how to eat or do anything by themselves. Their feathers also aren’t out yet, so they have no protection from the cold. Usually, they are warmed up with a heat lamp.

These cute chicks have decided that a warm coffee mug is their supply of warmth for the day. We don’t know why they are on a coffee table and not in a pre-warmed brooder, but they look so adorable warming up against that mug of coffee. We can’t imagine you’ve seen a cluster of cuteness of this level this year (or ever).
Supermom’s Got You Covered
There’s just something about Mother hens that make them have insane levels of maternal instincts. When these instincts kick in, they don’t seem to care whether the babies are chicks or from another species entirely. They step up to the challenge and make sure that the babies are taken care of.

This mother hen has taken two baby cats under her wing, literally, during a storm. Those kittens must have been scared by the loud noises of the thunder and the raindrops hitting the roof. They rushed to the side of the mother hen, and she was only too happy to take them under her wing and provide warmth and shelter.
Guilty and Proud
A lot of times, our pets are like our kids. They are our babies. They’re part of the family. And much like kids and babies, they need a lot of attention from us. They want to be held, cuddled, and played with. Playtime is important because it deepens the bond we have with our pets. Some pets do whatever they can to get our attention.

This dog has identified his main competitor for his owner’s attention – the TV. He’s done the smart thing and taken out the competition. It doesn’t look like he feels remorse for what he’s done. Quite the opposite, he seems proud with his villainous smile. Although destroying property is terrible, you’ve got to admire this dog’s determination.
The Weird One
We know the one, that one friend who never likes striking a boring pose during group pictures. They’ve always got something funny to do in photos. Whether it is sticking out their tongue or putting bunny ears behind a friend’s head. Whether they ruin the shot or not is the last thing on their mind; they just want to have some fun.

This parakeet seems to have precisely that kind of personality. He’s the life of the party, the troublemaker, and the ring leader. What could be more fun than taking a picture upside down? Apparently, this parakeet has made this a habit because this owner never can get a proper photo of them together.
How Far Are You Willing to Go?
How far are you willing to go to take the perfect picture? One of the most important virtues a great photographer can have is patience. Finding the right light, waiting for the subject to enter the photo frame, and bonding with the model are all examples of what patience helps a great photographer to accomplish.

Speaking of building rapport with the model, this photo-taker has spent the last one and a half years building trust with this kookaburra to take this photo. The bulk of it must have been training this bird to sit still long enough to take this photo. The cute hat on his head makes this photo worth it, in our opinion. Besides, he also got a good friend.
I Didn’t Know You Speak Cat Language
Animals need to communicate with each other just as much as we humans do. And just like we humans use words to communicate with each other, animals use sounds and vocalizations to pass information to each other. The lions have their roar, the alligators have their bellows, and cats have their meow.

Understanding animal sounds to the point of having a conversation with them only happens in movies like George of the Jungle (if you haven’t seen it, you might need to change your rock). That doesn’t stop some people from trying to communicate with their pets, though. This cat’s facial expression is a reaction to one of such brave attempts.
A Guinea Pig or a Hippo?
Guinea pigs are docile creatures that respond well to feeding and handling. These are only some of the reasons why they make great pets. Not to mention how cute and adorable they are. Generally, guinea pigs have beautiful fur, with some breeds, like the Silkie and the Texel, having longer fur than others.

There is a rather unique breed of guinea pig that doesn’t have any fur. It is a laboratory breed created by scientists and adopted by pet owners. This breed is called the Skinny Pig. From the picture, you can see that a skinny pig looks a lot like a miniaturized version of a baby hippo.
Sweet Tooth
We’ve already seen that the quickest way to an animal’s heart is with free food. Once you give them some, they keep coming back for more. This groundhog has found a regular spot where he can get snacks from. The friendly people at this office are always happy to give him whatever delicious snack they’ve got at hand.

Today is someone’s birthday, and he’s got a treat; cupcakes with delicious-looking pink frosting. He’s got such a cute face; it’s no wonder they can’t help but give him some snacks to see his furry face chewing. He looks like he’s going to need a napkin for his fuzzy nose. We hope he doesn’t develop a sweet tooth after this.
Selfie with a Dear Pal
A lot of time and effort goes into keeping chickens. You’ve got to make sure they’ve got the right food, and you’ve also got to ensure that they don’t get attacked by predators. But it is rewarding, especially when you can see your healthy brood scratching around on the farm looking for grub.

Because you spend so much time taking care of these chickens, you develop a bond with them. Some people even name their chickens. This dad has definitely got a great bond with this rooster. We don’t know whether this rooster is shocked or laughing, but they were having a swell time from the looks of this selfie.
Fun Family Pool Time
It’s no secret that ducks love water. You might not know this, but water is very essential to a duck’s health. Like humans, ducks need water to have a bath and keep their eyes, nostrils, and feathers clean. This is why ducks are always on the lookout for a large source of open water where they can waddle to their enjoyment.

This family of ducks has found one; an apartment pool. No one seems to be using it, so they have it all to themselves. They’ve wasted no time jumping in and splashing around. It looks like a lot of fun. Nothing makes for good quality family time than a trip to the pool on a hot, sunny day.