Have you ever lived with a roommate who just can’t seem to pull their weight when it comes to housework? Or do you sometimes see people who are parked in the rudest manner possible? Don’t be ashamed, everyone gets annoyed by this type of thing from time to time. What matters is how you decide to deal with the people that annoy you. For some people, it can be difficult to confront someone face to face, especially when it comes to something that irks you beyond words. So, instead of getting into a confrontation or causing a scene, take a look at some great examples of passive-aggressive notes that will help you solve all sorts of problems.

Parking Terribly
When parking is in short supply, it can be aggravating when someone parks over the lines and takes more than their fair share of space. Next time you find someone in your apartment complex lot that has taken up two spots due to careless parking, you should leave this nice note on their windshield.

Before you knock out this idea, you should give it a try. After all, nothing says ‘friendly reminder’ like a cute turtle! And even if they don’t laugh at your joke, there’s no harm done, but hopefully, they will keep the image of this note in mind next time they want to park like an idiot.
Keeping Food Fresh
Communal fridges can be annoying, especially when someone takes your food. But what can be equally annoying, that is often not discussed, is when someone leaves their food in the fridge to rot making the entire kitchen smell disgusting! That type of situation may warrant something like the first note from the image below.

Now, it isn’t clear who left the second note, but this is definitely the best way to deal with someone reminding you to put a date on your food. Hopefully, your boss or roommates get your humor and laugh at your little note! And honestly, maybe dating a can would be better than the dating scene these days!
Keeping Food to Yourself
Still on the topic of the office refrigerator, imagine if the same person kept taking your food every day. This is sure to make anyone hangry. What’s more, is you find out that person is also taking everyone else’s food in the office. The following notes might help you to make a point.

Seriously, how hard is it to buy and bring your own food? Either way, when you employ this tactic in your own office, ensure that you replace ‘Debbie’ with the person’s name in your office. And maybe use some colorful markers and stickers so your notes will definitely grab their attention.
Copier Frustrations
Getting into a fight with the office copier is a rite of passage when it comes to getting a new job. But you also shouldn’t be too violent with it, less it actually breaks and your coworkers won’t be able to use it either. If someone breaks your office copier, you should try leaving a funny note to encourage them not to do it.

Just how hard you would have to push the button to get this to happen is quite unimaginable, but if it happens in your office, then you have no choice but to leave a note. Some people only respond to notes. The only issue here is that the note should be taped underneath the button, because if you open the lid to copy something, it will definitely fall from its current position.
Toilet Paper Problems
The worst part about having a roommate is the part where you have to share a bathroom, specifically when they don’t pitch in when it comes to cleaning it! But when they are so lazy they can’t even change the toilet paper, you might have to resort to some drastic measures.

This sign is great, but whoever wrote the response on toilet paper is also great. However, this situation seems as if it was left unresolved, so when it comes to this particular situation you may be better off having a conversation with your roommate rather than leaving one of these signs in your bathroom.
Working with English Experts
Everyone has that one friend who is always pointing out grammatical or spelling errors. And if you can’t think of who that person is in your life, then it’s probably you! The good news is, these skills can come in handy, most notably when someone posts an annoying passive-aggressive note that is written horribly.

This specific note was written to be informative to the other people in the office on how the microwave works, but clearly, the office was more concerned with the bad grammar than anything else! With any luck, this note solved the microwave beeping problem, but unfortunately, it may have opened a whole new can of worms in the office.
More Shared Fridge Solutions
Another problem when it comes to sharing a refrigerator is when someone takes up more than their allotted space. It seems like it shouldn’t be that difficult to ask your coworkers to bring their lunch for the day and nothing else. Apparently, the individual in the office pictured below just didn’t get it.

They may have understood that their milk wasn’t wanted, but they are also apparently into jokes, and went out and bought a plastic cow just to make the writer of this note into the office joke! The only problem here is that the milk was actually useful, and the plastic cow as a joke is just taking up unnecessary space.
Do Not Push
Nothing makes someone want to do something so bad as when you tell them they can’t do something. This note is practically begging people to use the microwaved! This is probably a very bad note to post when you want someone not to use something as it will only make them want to use it to find out why.

Obviously, this office joker agrees, and he even drew a picture in response to the original note. But the best part of this entire note situation is the third note which was left. This note details exactly what will happen if the microwave is used. Exaggeration? Probably, but hey, it’s pretty funny.
Quieting Minor Annoyances
There are lots of little things in life that can become an annoyance really fast when they are repeated over and over. And one of those things is the songs from the Disney animated movie Frozen. How exactly do you deal with coworkers who won’t stop singing the songs? See Below.

You have to admit it, those songs are catchy. But you can’t go around the office singing them all day, every day. It’s actually impressive that it’s been five whole days in this office. Maybe you should get your own sign like this and see how long your coworkers can stand not busting into one of those catchy songs!
Good Luck
Saying goodbye to a loved roommate or coworker can be very difficult, especially if they are your partner in crime! When the words won’t come to make a proper verbal goodbye, it’s recommended you try something else, like writing them a letter, or maybe writing what you want to say on a cake.

Okay, so this isn’t the most supportive goodbye message, but it is funny and hopefully, the recipient of the cake got a kick out of it! The black color of the cake is a nice touch, but it does make one wonder just how good it is going to taste if it is colored like that…
What a Waste of Food
When you throw away old food in a garbage can that’s placed in an enclosed room, it can make the entire room smell like the food you just threw away. It’s a much better idea to throw food away in a trash can that is in a larger area. The hard part is getting your fridge mates to agree.

This person evidently had the same problem, and they aren’t even denying that they are being passive-aggressive in the note. Unfortunately, their sign didn’t quite have the desired effect the writer intended because one particular coworker decided to make the sign smell like old ketchup too, much to the dismay of their passive-aggressive coworker.
How To Approach a Coder
Coders are known for being some of the ultimate nerds, and as a result, they might not have the best people skills. It’s important to know how to approach a coder because they are often so engrossed in their work, they may not hear you come in. This office solved their problem with a passive-aggressive sign on the door.

This sign does seem a bit on the dramatic side, but maybe the coders of this company really are that jumpy. It will be interesting to see if anyone actually follows the sign and begins singing Ave Maria when they enter! If you decide to post something like this in your office, you might want to pick a different song